Tuesday, January 13, 2015

don't forget it... ♡

it's 4:32 pm on tuesday afternoon and i decided that i wanted to write a little something about planet earth.

on this planet, there are billions of people who go by their days waiting for the weekend, waiting for a break, waiting for that party or summer vacation or that concert in july. there are people counting on small, short days, hours or days or weeks or months away for their happiness. and well, as a whole, we kinda forget what life is really about.

it's about love. and appreciation. and happiness. it's about making memories and meeting people and experiencing love. and until about 48 hours ago... i kinda forgot about that. but on a sunny sunday afternoon i realized that if i want to live this life of light and love and happiness that ive always wanted, i have to begin to appreciate the little things around me. 

i have to appreciate the sun that shines over my head. i have to appreciate the music i can hear through my ears and the sounds of the birds and the people's voices. i have to appreciate the idea that i can communicate with people and i have a family who loves me and friends who care and i have a roof over my head.

so i took a walk.

i put my headphones in, i grabbed my bag, and took a little walk about a block away from my house to a small park. i laid my jacket down on the grass, i took out my book and i sat there, listening to music, reading my book, eating a banana, drinking water. and that's when i realized. just how lucky i am to be alive.

the truth is, we all have problems. for some of us it's that the boy in class doesn't like us back. for some of us, it's that we don't have enough money to pay the mortgage. for some of us it's that we have too much homework or we're failing math class or we're fighting with our friends. or for some of us, it's something in between. but regardless of what our problems are, big or small, we still have one thing.

a life. a life in which we can wake up every morning and see sunlight and hear music notes and eat delicious food and drink water and spend time with people. we have a life that's so incredibly beautiful and as a whole, we need to start appreciating it more. 

we spend far too much time waiting for weekends or thinking about how "bad" our lives are. it's time that we start realizing that in the end, all we really are is a speck of dust on this planet. our problems really aren't all that significant in the scheme of things. the negativities in our world really don't matter. but we do. each one of us has the power to change the world and to make people smile and to be happy.

so why spend your life sad when you could be spending it laughing with your best friend or cuddling with that boy you really like. or writing a novel or buying that pair of shoes you've always wanted. or traveling to that place you've always wanted to go to or singing a song you love. there are so many incredible ways to spend your life. don't waste it being sad.

you are capable of so much more.

we are capable of so much more.

don't forget it.

x pia lucy

Friday, January 9, 2015

friends... ♡

friends are a funny thing. it used to be so simple. back when we were in elementary school and essentially anybody in our classroom or anybody on the playground was our friend. our best friend was the person you sat with everyday and shared your lunch with on the picnic tables. friendships were based solely on who's class you were in or if you sat at the same table in art class. your biggest problem would be who got the last piece of chocolate or who got to use the pink crayon first. it was all so simple. until one day, it all changed.

somehow... things change so fast for everybody, yet we never really seem to see it happen. until one day, you look around, and you realize you're not really where you belong at all. you begin to see that the girl you shared your lunch with or the girl who sat at your art table is more obsessed with herself than the friendship you once shared. you begin to see that the girl you thought was your best friend you no longer have a thing in common with.

and you begin to see that sometimes, in life, the people who will change your life the most, who will inspire you to be a better person, who will bring you happiness and love and excitement and wonder and passion... may be found in the strangest ways.

for example, my best friend. i met her on november twenty seventh, 2014. ive known her for only a little over a month and yet somehow, in the craziest and most beautiful way, i care more about her than i do for anybody. i may have only met her because of our shared passion for one direction and music and instagram... and i may have met her over the internet... and she may live 2,410 miles away from me... but she's the most beautiful best friend i could have ever asked for.

and so, i guess what i'm trying to say is that it's ok to not be like the rest of the people in this world, or like the rest of the people you know. it's taken me time but by now i've finally realized that having the biggest friend group at school or having the coolest friends isn't important. it's not about anything like that. it's about having that one (( or two or three or four)) people or person who you genuinely love and care about. whether they live 2,000 miles away or if they go to your school... you deserve a person who brings you happiness and love and confidence and makes you excited to start another day. you deserve a person who makes you feel thankful to be alive.

so, from me to you... i guess i just wanted to let you know. that you deserve happiness. you deserve love. you deserve the feeling of being loved and loving somebody so much you can't wait to wake up every morning. whether that's a boyfriend or a girlfriend or a best friend. so, if you don't have that person i have a bit of advice for you...

step one:

clear out all of those unnecessary people. anybody who makes you frustrated or annoyed or sad. don't let those negative people into your life. those people who always have to make a comment about everything, those people that view everything negatively. forget about them. they're toxic. they're only going to cause you pain and sadness.

step two:

figure out who you truly care about. try to brainstorm the list in your head or write a list on a piece of paper. write down any name that comes to mind that you truly want in your life and you truly never want to leave your side. whether the list is one person long or twenty people long... that doesn't matter. as long as every person on that list is a good friend to you and is important to you.

step three:

it may not apply to you... but if you truly feel that there's nobody in your life who deserves a spot on that list 100%... don't let them on. instead... find somebody who does. join a team. join a club. go outside. find an internet friend. (( i'll be your friend !!!! )) in a world filled with billions of people, there's somebody meant for you, i promise. you just have to look a bit harder sometimes. but i promise, if you truly find the right person, it'll all be worth it.

step four:

let these people know how much they mean to you (( often !!! )) text them before bed once in a while to remind them that you love them. send them letters in the mail and write to them explaining how important they are. simply just show them that they are loved and appreciated. not because you have to in order to keep their friendship, but because you want them to know how special they are to you.

well... i hope this helped in some way or another... if anything i hope it was relatable in some way. i just want you to know that each one of you deserves a best friend who you genuinely love and care for and who genuinely makes you happy. no, friendships aren't perfect. but the best ones are always worth it.

if any of you ever want to talk, im always here.

lots of love,

x pia lucy

Monday, January 5, 2015

hi there...♡

hi... my name is pia and welcome to my blog. in all honesty, i have no idea what i'm doing... i guess it kind of all started last night. let me explain. 

as of right now, it is the fifth of january, 2015. tomorrow, i go back to school after what felt like one weekend, but was in reality seventeen days off. and let me tell you, along with millions of teenagers all around the world, i'm quite disappointed. however, on the 31st of december, 2014 i created a few new years resolutions, as i do every year, but one of them proves a bit harder than expected. i want to be happy.

what this means is not just smiling and laughing and occasionally spending time with my friends. this means being proud of myself and being happy with the person i'm becoming. this means enjoying every bit of this world. not waiting for the weekend, or summer break, or after school. this means being happy where i am and living in the moment. this means putting smiles on people's faces and doing what i want to do and being who i want to be. this means being healthy, eating good food, exercising, drinking lots of water. this means surrounding myself with people who bring me joy and being positive. this means trying new things and exploring this beautiful planet and meeting new people and going on adventures. this means being the me that i want to be.

and last night i discovered, as of right now, i'm not the me i want to be.

so, as i watched a little video by troye sivan that i've probably seen about five hundred times already, it finally hit me. if i want to be something, i have to create that something i want to be, and i have to become what i want. i can't wait for an opportunity to come my way or always put things off until tomorrow. i have to create myself and create the person who i want to be and i have to work hard. so, that's exactly what i'm doing.

i know that this blog doesn't seem much as of right now. i don't know if it ever will. but it's mine. and that's enough. i'm sick of creating things while trying to be somebody else. i've tried youtube, i've tried blogs. but every time i seem to just act as though i'm a person that i know i'm not. i want to try to impress. but i'm over that. so, this is me. in all honesty, i couldn't care less if this blog gets two followers or two thousand, as long as this blog really shows who i truly am, who i truly want to become, who i truly am becoming, and i hopefully inspire somebody a long the way. 

i can't say exactly what will end up on this blog. whether it be music playlists or song lyrics or beauty or fashion or just simple writing of mine. but hopefully i will share something that is worth reading and that makes somebody smile. i hope i can become somebody who i am proud of, and who people around me are proud of. i don't know where 2015, or this blog, is going to take me. but i'm ready to find out. follow me a long the way i suppose?

lots of love,

x pia lucy